Electrical panels are part of every electrical installation. They represent a set of elements performing distribution, measurement, protection, control and management functions toward the installations and the facilities they supply.
We do ourselves manufacture, assembly, and installation of panels that we offer. For this purpose, we use modern, high-quality instruments suitable for specific conditions and characteristics of the building’s electrical system and the structure of consumption in it. The products produced by our well-trained specialists comply with the Bulgarian and European standards for safety and reliability.
Each building has a main switchboard. From it go the lines that pass through all subsequent intermediate panels and reach to each consumer. The main switchboards, manufactured by New Energy Pro Ltd., have a provided spare power supply, which can be made from complete diesel-aggregated power stations, ABP units or diesel aggregates. We manufacture also:
- Electrical panels for residential, public, offices and administrative buildings,
- Automation panels (KIPIA), industrial automation and control panels,
- Complete exchange systems ( CCU)
We offer both standardized panels and panels developed according to individual customer requirements. There are possibilities for expansion of the installation with a significant change in the aggregate power of the consumers, reorganization, upgrades, and reconstructions.
Each electric panel passes through a series of safety tests, effectiveness of protections, quality of isolation. They must guarantee both the reliability of the facility with respect to human life and health, as well as the fire characteristics and continuity of supply.
Call us – whether it’s your apartment panel, full equipment with new or replacing a system of old panels.