Switchgear (Distribution systems) represent a combination of electrical appliances – measuring, protective, switching; cables, reinforcing and auxiliary parts, which have the task of receiving, distributing and redirecting electricity to power stations, substations, large consumers such as production and business enterprises and so on. They are mounted for medium and low voltage.

  • Outdoor switchgear intended for high voltages.
  • Indoor – for average, most often up to 20 kV
  • Complete switchgears are increasingly used. They are applied regardless of the voltage level. They are more reliable. Installation and maintenance are easier. Ensure greater safety.

“New Energy Pro” Ltd. deals mainly with middle voltage switchgears and nodal stations. They are an integral part of the electrical equipment of your site, on which depends the quality and efficient power supply and energy security of your entire business. Our well-trained, authorized employees can be with you throughout the process of exploration, clarification of the assignment and design of the required facility. This is a guarantee that it fully corresponds with the required parameters and the set consumers.

We work responsibly with full knowledge of the technical field and regulatory requirements. We keep an eye on the latest trends in the technological development and improvement of the materials, utensils and the elementary base that are needed for the development of modern efficient switchgears (distribution systems). We strive to provide our clients with the most cost-effective ratio between the price and quality of the sites we build and a safe return on investment.

If you have no knowledge of creating an energy economy, contact us and provide you with professional advice.